North Atlantic Region 1 is part of Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. The region covers New England and Northern New York, USA as well as Quebec, Canada. Region 1 was in search of a logo redesign to revitalize and better represent the chorus’ and singers in the region. The logo mark takes inspiration from the original logo’s music symbols but takes it out of the geometric/blocky realm into a much more free form. The treble and bass clefs were combined to symbolize the importance and melding of all 4 parts in barbershop harmony. The typography represents the fun loving, creative nature of the region. Finally, the color pallet not only creates the ability to use the logo in many different places/ways it also represents the diversity of members that exists and is embraced within the region. Women of all different ages, races, sexual orientations, religions, backgrounds, professions, locations… coming together, in harmony.